Friday, May 15, 2020

Video Review

Video Reflection 

A link to the videos of the Levels thus far for a better representation of the experiences. 



Horror corridor 1 (effect of props in the environment on the player) - The atmosphere in this corridor came across in the way I intended, however the prop project has a lack of props which I feel undermines the principle of the test.

Horror corridor 2 (Lighting project)- This project also displayed the atmosphere I was trying to create, with the lighting elevating the sense of atmosphere and intimidation. Although in places the lighting test itself was to overwhelming, and I feel testing the same principle in a more subtle way would perhaps have been more beneficial to the final product. 

Mood corridor- This I feel the basic nature of the play helps the flow of the underlying purpose of the project and presented a good example of exaggerated mood. However despite the fact I feel that the abstract style suits the corridor, I feel these effects exaggerated in a more detailed corridor would have worked better. 

Sense of the self corridor - I feel the abstract presentation and use of NPC's in this project was a good way of testing the principle and came across well. The effects of the NPC's heads turning to face the player is in the same way abstract and effective. I do however feel that the project would have benefited from more design in the environment and possibly more animations in the NPC's. 

Magic corridor (Narration project)- I feel that despite the placeholders the project itself is presented well and with further testing could prove to b informative and a pretty environment. Although this the case the unfinished nature of the project hinders it a lot.  

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