Thursday, May 14, 2020

Reverse Transition areas

Reverse Transition areas in games

- In some games Transition areas are in-fact the main areas of game-play, and the areas with the most enjoyment for the player due to the nature of the game


   Nintendo's Pokemon series is a good example of this form of transition area. Pokemon is a turn based RPG were you fight and collect little monsters called Pokemon.  To this day the Pokemon franchise is well loved by new and old players, and is still one of my personal favorite franchises.

Everything we know about Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. - Polygon

                                              Image of Pokemon Sword and Shield By Polygon 

   The towns in Pokemon are the transition areas, were as the travel between the towns is the area of the game that has the most anticipated game-play, catching new Pokemon. As depicted in the image above, new Pokemon are found on routes and are in-between the towns were the story progresses. Despite the story progression and boss fights being located in the town the main game-play and the longest, is the catching of Pokemon in the transition areas.

   Games like Pokemon have what I would consider reverse transition areas. Making the longevity of the game-play more apparent and the interest in these areas are increased. This, however, does not mean that the main areas are neglected as they are still used to forward progression and story development, and despite not being as game-play heavy as the transition areas the balance is still upheld and the player still revives a cool-down period.

   The formula for Pokemon has been the same through all the games in the series and is well received by fans. In the new Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield the environment despite being low poly, simplistic and stylized has still a lot of beauty and good use of a color palate. From the 'Lets go Pikachu' and 'Lets go Eevee' set the Pokemon now roam the world in the game as 3D models improving the impact these areas have on the players excitement to see new Pokemon.

Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee EN Box Art - Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu ...

   Sword and Shield also introduced the 'Wild area' feature and even furthered the differentiation of multiple areas while making them interesting. The wild areas were an improved form of the routes in the game. Many factors effected this area, from weather, time of day to live raid events. New features were brought in for the boss battles and over all the games template remained relatively the same with a lot of development put in to boost its impact.

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