Thursday, May 14, 2020

Beginning the Lilly project


The Project Beginning
   For the first section of the project I decided to focus on simply trying to find ways to exaggerate a color that already exists to make it more interesting, adding more of a visual palate to the environment while also being identifiable the player as the same color. This is to prevent the environment going the other way and becoming to colorful and bright, becoming messy or the player unable to identify the object or flower correctly.

  The aim to emphasis the colors to a reasonable degree without being to intense.

Image by Yasmine Brough

   This design piece is to illustrate the ways in which I think color can be subtly emphasized and bring more colors to foliage rather then many different shades of greens and browns, that can be applied to all genres. 

   The application (as shown above) was to keep the primary color the largest and most distinctive. While adding highlights of a variety of colors. The actually palates used didn't seam to have much effect, as i could use greens, purples and a variety of any color (not having to stick to the same shades etc) while preserving the natural impression of the flower itself. 

   Such as in the images on the left, I used just the colors shown in the photo in the middle section. Then on the left added a variety of colors that don't exists in the actual flower, the result being the same with arguably a bit more impact against a solid green environment. 

  A problem I encountered with these small experiments, is that due to the amount of color in the final images its took longer to produce. To keep the images main color the predominant feature, seeing the image from a distance doesn't offer the same color impact. So similar to 'Breath of the Wild' may still encounter problems when looking above the world as a whole. It may still go missed by the player.

A balance between the sheer exaggeration of color and the predominant color is to be considered highly.

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