Thursday, May 14, 2020

Project 1 part 2- Shape

Exaggeration of Shape 

   Another aspect I looked into was the exaggeration of shapes with the Lilly's. When the shape is exaggerated I don't feel that this couldn't necessarily go into realistic games. In games some plants and environment features are incorrect, Such as a plant being in the wrong location or time period. These features rarely bother the player and are despite incorrect to reality can have a positive impact on the environment. Fully fleshing it out and adding more interesting props in it. 

  This section of the project I wanted to exaggerate the shape of a Lilly and find the most interesting shaped one that I could and combine the interesting really one with my unrealistic design and create something that could exist, yet having the intrigue and design of something that couldn't. 

Gloriosa carsonii (Flame Lilly) - Image found on Gardenia 

   This Lilly had an incredible appearance and bizarre structure. The petals resemble a fire and so do the striking colors. This Lilly looks as though it couldn't exists and the image of this flower does not come to mind when you think of the word Lilly. 
   I decided to make a design that would be the opposite to this flower and combine them. So I designed a Lilly with inspirations of crystals and ice. This flower I designed purposely so it could not exist. 

Fire Lilly and Ice/Crystal Lilly designs and drawings by Yasmine Brough

Further development by Yasmine Brough

   I combined the two designs to create a flower that technically could exist and took inspirations from both designs. Creating an exaggerated shape for the fire Lilly. While keeping some aspects the same.

Further design look into prospects of color

Color Design by Yasmine Brough

Further design work on testing the improvement of colors in an environment.
The light spectrum doesn't just work in shades of the same colors but rather acts more like a filter allowing certain light rays through. In a scene every item displays every color just that our eyes pick up the most predominant ones. So although these colors aren't  necessarily what we see, they can exists and I feel that this can be applied to realistic environments development of the environment.

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