Thursday, May 14, 2020



   During my work on projects I have learned the I need to work on my presentation skills, as the 3 projects that I set for my work I also need to be aware to set aside extra time to learn the application skills to present the work clearer and to a better quality. This has also effect the time these projects taken to complete rather and the quality backing them up. This I am going to tackle in future works as I have currently set aside more time to go back and master the basics. Such as watching more tutorials and more practice when it comes to beginning and planning out my projects. 

   This was something I wanted to tackle from my previous projects planning going aerie. I felt I had set enough time aside to achieve this however in practicality looking back I had the right mind set but just didn't set enough time for it to make enough of a difference.  

   My Study research essay has helped a lot in terms of my perspective in my project and I feel that more discussion and independent application from work with professionals can help me to plan better in future. 

Project 1 - Lilly Project 

   This project started of well and I felt that I had found a good way of presenting color in games while maintain the colors and quality's of the real asset to apply to realistic games. However the stylized depiction I had chosen didn't reflect this as well as I had hoped, which I felt really stood out in the final piece. I want to go back at a later date and create the final piece from the project again in a more realistic style. 

Project 2- Player sense of the self  

   This project I feel was the most successful out the three projects. And has given me some take away methods that I would like to apply to transition areas to create an emotional impact in the player by presenting a variety of ways that the player connects to the world, character and there perspective on how they fit in the game. This is a project I would like to take further.

Project 3- Narration presentation

   Due to this project still being completed its hard to say on the results on the finished products. However learning from the other two projects, I would like to make the official assets for the project look more skillful. 

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