Friday, January 8, 2021

Owl Graveyard Final Scene

 Graveyard scene completed

level 1

First level entrance. By Yasmine Brough

Discussion between first pair of owl spirits. By Yasmine Brough

Lonely owl spirit. By Yasmine Brough

Bridge leading to cross road. By Yasmine Brough

last owls discussing narrative. By Yasmine Brough

level 2

Second level first owl interaction. By Yasmine Brough

Owls Heads turn to face player. Background town. By Yasmine Brough

Building my final levels, I noticed that I could see the practice level in the background as a sort of silhouette. This gave the impression of further life and energy in the world, which I realised was something that had been missing in my scene. I decided to add this intentionally and build a small house scene in the distance. 

I could expand on this further in future projects with an external environment, adding towns or mountains in the background.

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