Friday, January 8, 2021

Library scene Reflection


    From this project I feel that the visuals definitively impact the emotional connection and impression on the player. Transition areas could be improved simply by improving the visuals in the environment. The flaws of this do still exists for the industry though and so would remain unreliable to use consistently (especially for companies or games with less funding) as this issue is not quite as relevant for AAA games that can justify these costs and time expenditure. 

    The visuals for this scene improved but still had flaws that I would like to address in future. Such as the plant pots. To save on poly count I left a small gap in the top for the plant stems. However, this left gaps that light could get through, which reflected underneath the pots and further affected the lighting in the environment as a whole, causing incorrect reflections. 

  From this experiment I have learned that the visuals do play a big part in the emotional impression on the player. For my next corridor I would like to explore the idea of improving the visual impressions while also tackling the problem of time and funding problems that this causes. 

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