Friday, January 8, 2021

Spirit Designs

 Spirit Designs

Wan Shi Tong Knowledge spirit from Avatar. Image from Fandom

The design of the owls have been inspired by the design for 'Wan Shi Tong' from 'avatar the last air bender'. I feel the owl spirits are fitting for the environment, and believe they will be effective in directing the narrative of the level.

Owl design By Yasmine Brough

I want the owls head to be able to follow the player and unrestricted in the same way an owl would rotate their heads.  The first design of the owl is made up of a more obscure heart shape to look like a ghost body. 

Owl Design By Yasmine Brough

The second owl design is a more physical form. Instead of a spirit body has more of a physical form, in a feather coat overlaying a large hunched body. The lantern this spirit carries is connected to the head to keep the arms more tucked away. 

Owl Design By Yasmine Brough

The third design is a mixture of the first two, but I was going for more of an unsettling demonic appearance. I like the empty expression as I feel like this can be unsettling in the level. However may effect the players judgment on were/ who the owl spirit is talking to. Although I like this design more, I feel this would effect to much the players understanding of the owls communication.  

Owl Design By Yasmine Brough

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