Friday, January 10, 2020

The results are in

Test Results

The play test group was small, due to the time restraints. I was only able to get one of my friends to play-test it. The person did not know of the projects or had seen them prior during the construction process. Due to the test size being so small, I have decided not to focus on the consensus opinion but more to focus in more detail the things that this person pick up on for the moment. I indent to improve the sample size later on and will continue to test this along other projects. 

Test questions and answers 

1) How did the corridors make you feel?  'quite anxious'

2) Did you feel differently in the second run of the corridor? 'Suspicious, items moving, appearing'

3) Did you notice any differences between the different runs of the corridors? 'Yes'

4) Which objects stood out to you, if any? 'grammar phone, horse'

5) Can you describe why they stood out? 'appeared, disappeared'

6) Any additional comments? 'atmospheric'

From the brief testing that we did. I felt the honestly the moving props probably caused more distractions then i intended. Especially considering that the corridors were identical in every other retrospect. This just meant that the moving props seemed to distract the player, as she noticed that and focused mainly on it, compared to the actually props themselves. However she did notice solely as the stand out models, the two that I had indented. including the subtler gramophone. Although I cant be sure weather she still would have picked up on this if it had not moved location. As she didn't seem to think much of it during the first run through.

The results from this project were handy while also being problematic. It has given me enough information for now and will be doing several more test through of this set of corridors to get the best results from it.

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