Friday, January 10, 2020

The Mood Corridors

The Mood Set of Corridors

For this set of corridors I wanted to test the overall effects of colors and shapes on the player, and if this can gauge a strong impression of the transitions. 

Image result for colour theory wheel
Colour Theory Wheel. Image found on Reddit

I wanted each corridor to represent a already distinguished theme, such as green for nature. The corridors will be identical same as the first set and will have a familiar shape to present that. Such as green, nature, represented through the color and a basic tree shape. to compare how this shape feels in different mood provoking corridors.   

The Corridors Overview Screenshots

The green corridor. Earth represented through trees. By Yasmine Brough

The Blue Corridor. Water represented through well. By Yasmine Brough

Red Corridor. Fire, Represented through a fireplace. By Yasmine Brough

I decided to make these corridors out of UE4's basics shapes. This was to help with the time issues. After making this set I decided to go more simplistic as I felt that despite these designs being simplistic they were a bit messy and the shapes I was trying to make were overall a bit distracting. So I wanted to create a subtler way of achieving this, as not to detract the player to much during the tests as that was a problem within the first set of corridors. 

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