Friday, January 10, 2020

The Finish Line

The First Finished Set of Corridors

1st Corridor

Finished first set of Corridors By Yasmine Brough 

The finished Corridor, quite dark to keep the horror feel to the player. In these corridors I am testing the effect of stuff. Looking at which props stand out to the player and why.

The light at the end of the corridor flickers throughout the scene. Shown above. 

The gurney in the final. By Yasmine Brough

Chairs in the final. By Yasmine Brough

Unlit final of corridor. By Yasmine Brough

Phonograph. By Yasmine Brough

The Phonograph lies at the end of the corridor. In the most light defined area. The purpose, to see if the player notices it as a unusual prop in the first of the three corridors.  

Door transition. By Yasmine Brough

When the player reaches the end they are instructed to press E to continue on to the next corridor. The Differences between the play-through corridors is small, and I am very intrigued to see what the player will pick up on and why.

                                                                    2nd Corridor

Phonograph moved. By Yasmine Brough

The second corridor moves the phonograph (new location depicted above) to see if moving it will make the player notice it more. I was also interested to see If the player would talk more about the prop itself, or weather just on the fact that it moved in the first place, if noticed at all.

3rd Corridor

Carousel Horse. By Yasmine Brough

The last corridor removes the phonograph entirely and focuses on the more 'stand out' prop, the carousel horse.

How I feel about the finished product

Essentially I feel I lost a lot of time were I would have liked to have made the props and overall corridor have more detail to it, however had to condense the project down due to time constraints. I have learned not only to ensure that my personal life, such as work is sorted better, to not have this issue effect my work again in future projects. 
I feel like I focused to heavily on realism for a first semester project. The reason that I did realism and persisted with it throughout the project, Is because I do feel that this particular set of corridors benefited from this style. I didn't want the player to be drawn out of the horror immersion as I feel my results on the experiment would be more effective using realism then if done in a stylized manor. 
However it does make me realize the importance when it comes to picking a style for these experiments as it can effect the result and can take longer to achieve the goal. It has made me realize the importance of considering these two factors and to balance them more equally in future projects.    

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