Friday, January 10, 2020

A Hidden Problem

An Unexpected Issue

A problem that I didn't image walking in to, and definitely not so early on. I was unfortunately very out of practice with the programs that I had once become so accustom to using. A transitional complication that I didn't not foresee. Having taking two years between my BA completion and begging my MA a lot had escaped my memory of the programs. This was not so noticeable to me when I first began building the corridors props and base. 

Image of building base corridor: by Yasmine Brough rendered in Maya

Such as in the image above, everything looked to line up nicely and seemed to be well constructed. In the renders I couldn't tell this was not the case for a few of the items as shown below that I did not notice until was implemented into UE4.
Image of building base corridor: by Yasmine Brough rendered in Maya 

Image of building base corridor: by Yasmine Brough rendered in Maya

The further I got into the project the more I ran into problems due to these Issues that I had not noticed. Such as models that were not scaled or lined up precisely, overall impacting my work heavily later on in the building and modeling process. Similar issues happened when it came to the texture, the out of practice me struggled to come to grips with the programs again quick enough. As I had planned my time according to grater skills and faster use of the modeling and texturing software Maya and Substance Painter. 

        Image of  base corridor: by Yasmine Brough rendered in UE4

The Textures began looking quite clumpy and didn't fit together very well. Making it come together to look quite messy, not the effect I wanted to go for. I didn't want this effect to effect what I was wanting to investigate. However I was incredibly lucky in that, before my work suffered to much from these issues, a previous MA student, Rob Throne, assisted me in fixing these issues. 

       Image of  base corridor: by Yasmine Brough rendered in UE4

After image of going through and fixing the measurement issues and making the texture tile better. Overall improving the atmosphere and effect of the corridor. However more time was spent on fixing these issues then I planned for or would have liked to have spent on it. Showing how important and time saving preventing these issues in the first place is.

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