Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Video and Description

 Video link: DanceRabbit

Rabbit transition scene video. By Yasmine Brough

The final peace included inspirations demonstrated in the scene

Stuff project- Throughout the transition level you can see the variety of stuff changes to reflect that atmosphere that I want the player to feel. From the bright props and foliage at the start to the deserted, barren, empty wasteland. 

Colour and light project- The colors are separated in to areas, based on seasons and that seasons reflection of emotion. Such as the pink spring section. The color pallets change depending on these factors. 

Sence of self projects- The other characters can not be interacted with beyond observation, to isolate the player and emphasizing the main characters feelings of loneliness. 

Library scene- I have included some smaller creatures to keep a feeling of wonder in the world. Such as the butterfly's and dragonfly's. The style of the spring memory section of the transition area was inspired by the sense of magic and exaggerated display. 

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