Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Past projects

 Where the past projects will be featured

       a list of were each projected will be featured throughout the transition scene. 

Stuff project- The items and props in the house will be representative of the story. Along with some items that stand out more to emphasis this, such as the clockwork finches that they have been turned in to. 

Lighting project- Staring of in a colorful outside area, demonstrating beauty with the light in the greenhouse. Progressing in to a darker, bleaker area.  

Colour project- Colors to be exaggerated and representative of the areas mood. Such as browns and bleaker colors inside the house.  

Sense of self - Taxidermy creatures and statues along the route, following you with their heads and ignore you only talking to each other about the events of the house. As you go through gradually interact with you more and telling you directly. making the player gradually feel more personally involved. 

Library scene- Location inspired by this scene. The way you interact with the statues and taxidermy being based on the book blueprints and the narrative side of the library project. 

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