Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Reflection and conclusion


       For this project I had hoped to include the winter section. A walk back through the transition you've just came through but its is now winter, cold and deserted. To really emphasis the loss of the main character. However in the end I felt that this may have had to much happening in the transition area, to actually keep it classed as a transition area. 

      The end results were surprising when having discussed with others about the emotional impact of the level. A lot of people I spoken to believed that it did have an emotional impact. However a common suggestion to me was that they felt it was more the combination of the level and the music. They were unsure, therefore, how much of an impact my more subtle techniques had on this. I do feel that this may be true, however the music was a purposeful choice to increase that effect. This has also given me more areas, such as audio, that I want to look into in future.


In conclusion, I believe that a lot of the techniques I have learned to apply are effective at increasing the emotional impact of the transition areas. There are many more methods to fins and develop and I look forward to continuing this and working on bettering transition areas in games. 

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