Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Emotional Impact of 2d games in transition areas. 

Seasons after fall - The art style and the transition areas put emphasis on the magic aspect of the game. 

Image from Wikipedia 

Level image from BrutalGamer XBox 1 Reviews

This game uses very beautiful coloring and effective color palette giving each area a unique feel depending on mood of location.  

Ori and the blind Forrest - 

Image from Wikipedia

       I have researched this game during past projects also, however upon revisiting I have seen just how beautiful and impactful that opening scene is. 

You happily walk through the transition area with your friend, beautiful music plays, warm green colors, bouncing around with your friend. On the way back through the transition, you are alone, the music shifts, the colors are now blues and blacks and the whole atmosphere changes. Emphasizing a sudden feeling of loneliness. Shadows of memories play in the background during your return and the player can instantly feel something's wrong. The way players connect so early to these characters in this scene is in my opinion a bit underrated. 

After seeing this scene again, especially now I am looking to do a 2D emotionally impactful scene. I am wanting to do a scene closely inspired by this introduction scene in Ori and using the same form of transition. 

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