Friday, October 11, 2019

Who Am I? And What Am I Doing here? i hear you asking.


Hey there guys! Welcome to my first blog post. My name is Yasmine Brough and I am an aspiring 3D artist. This blog is going to be a log of my projects and thoughts throughout my time here doing the MA. I'm looking forward to getting back in to my work. With lots to learn along the way and a portfolio to fill, I hope that you enjoy this journey with me.

I am inspired by artists that manage to convey a lot of emotion in their environments and manage to fill the viewer with feelings of wonder and awe and really bring a scene to life.

 Fantasy Library by James Schofield 

I find the 'Fantasy Library' render to be a beautiful scene. The sparkling blue effect really draws your eyes to the book and is the focal point of the scene and the fantasy. With the washed out brown and grey colors enhancing the focus, as well as the light from the window, all the attention is drawn to the desk area.

Forgotten Temple by Alan Night

'Forgotten Temple' another realistic looking scene that is directing the players attention. This artist uses the same principles as 'Fantasy Library' to guiding a player through an environment to a specific place using colors and lights. The orange lanterns illuminate the scene while the cherry blossom's bright pink leaves stand out against this and the rest of the environment.

Well In The Woods Vignette by Matt Wood

'Well In The Woods Vignette' is more stylized bringing a lot of charm to the scene. The lighting creates a warm yet open scene. This smaller environment gives a sense of secret fantasy, a hidden wonder, and brings a central focus on the well. The trees surrounding the well in a circle hold the players attention to within that area, using the trees as an aesthetic wall. A swirling path made for guidance and to make for a slow reveal of the focal point, while also getting the player to really look at the surroundings first. No little detail would go unseen. 

By the end of my MA i hope to have gained more practical skills to create beautiful scenes such as the ones above. Drawing skills from many different areas of games design to enhance the players experience in my scenes. Using the knowledge gained through my research and experiments that my future environments will hopefully reflect, helping me to pursue a career as a 3D artist and to bring something new to the role. I am really excited to see where this approach takes me in my projects.


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